

021-59244753 电话

上一次去朱家角那是很久很久以前的事古镇里唯一一家馄饨店 只卖荠菜肉馄饨夫妻老婆店 杨妈人很和善 总是笑咪咪馄饨说实话较一般 也就是看着比较清爽主动给了一个小碗二个汤勺 服务没话说但是…我那碗馄饨居然忘记放葱花了!
This small wonton shop restore my faith in the kindness and friendliness of the ordinary Chinese business owner. The proprietress' name is "Mama Yang" who seemed really young to be called mama. The place is clean and uncluttered with no fancy decoration or ostentatious display of junk. The wonton comes in a very clear broth with a tiny sprinkle of scallions. The wontons' consist of a local green vegetable similar to spinach except more tasty with some pork mixed in. This is the best wonton I have had in Anyplace in China. I highly recommend you to visit this place in Zhuchajiao.
2016-05-02 评论来自于大众点评
2016-05-16 评论来自于大众点评